Chrysalis Pops Manager Ashley giving change to a kid customer, Leo after buying a Pop at the Farmer’s Market.

At Chrysalis your contributions are hard at work!

You can feel good knowing that no matter what level of support you provide, your gift makes our community a better place to live and work. Chrysalis, Inc. is a private 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. Contributions are deductible to the fullest extent of the law.

  • $25 contribution supports volunteer experience for one individual
  • $50 contribution funds vocational peer support services
  • $100 contribution funds on-site job coaching for a newly hired individual
  • $250 contribution funds a job training opportunity for an individual for an entire month

Why should I give?

Give because you are passionate about supporting work opportunities that encourage hope, healing and wellness. Donations like yours make our community a better place to live and work. Chrysalis, Inc. is a private 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. Contributions are deductible to the fullest extent of the law.

How are my gifts/donations used?

Chrysalis envisions a community where everyone belongs. A community that is free from stigma, rooted in racial and social justice. Your gifts give Chrysalis staff the ability to:

  • Support work and educational goals, as an integral part of recovery.
  • Provide spaces free from stigma by sharing their lived experience with others, where diverse lived experience and strengths are celebrated!
  • Work with other providers to access holistic, equitable mental health and substance use services.

Ways to Donate

> Click Here to Make an Online Donation with PayPal using your bank account, debit or credit cards.

> Mail us Your Donation

  1. Download and print the Donation Form (PDF).
  2. Mail your completed form and check (payable to Chrysalis) to:
    Chrysalis, 1342 Dewey Court, Madison, WI 53703

> Amazon Smile – Contact Dani Rischall for more info

> Amazon Wish List – Contact Dani Rischall for more info