Chrysalis Equity Statement

Chrysalis is committed to cultivating a culture and practices that foster equity, diversity, inclusion, and accessibility for our communities. We are committed to this because we believe in promoting a more just, equitable, and stigma-free community rooted in racial and social justice.

Within Chrysalis and communities at large, the reality is that many people face challenges that stem from deep-rooted racism embedded within our institutions, upheld by a system that favors white supremacy. This perpetuates systemic harm that we see enacted in the following ways: racially biased policing, discrimination in housing and employment practices, unequal educational opportunities, and inequitable access to social services and health care. We recognize that these systems influence our biases and impact our daily lives.

The Chrysalis Community hereby stands with and seeks to include underrepresented communities that have historically faced systemic challenges:

Through collaboration and shared learning, we strive to create a community where everyone belongs. We intend to challenge bias within our individual lives, workplace, and through our practices with peers, participants, partners, and neighbors.

Updated by Change Team, 2024

Social & Racial Justice Values in Action