2022: A Year in Review

By Dani Rischall, Chrysalis Executive Director

2022 definitely threw us some curveballs. With the incredible support of our staff, board, participants, and community we were able to close out the year strong. This past year we really focused on our workplace wellness efforts and practices of community care. Through our current programming we fostered new relationships, supported new jobs, and promoted purpose, and belonging.

To help with accountability and transparency we created Strategic Planning Dashboards each quarter. These tools highlight efforts made in our four Strategic Plan Pillars. (1) Equity, Inclusion, Diversity & Stigma Busting, (2) Community Building & Advocacy, (3) Organizational, and (4) Programming.

Take a look below to learn more about all the incredible work happening throughout the Chrysalis community and thank you for everything you have done (and continue to do) to support these efforts!

If you have any questions about these tools or the specific work please feel free to reach out via email at rischall@workwithchrysalis.org, I’d love to connect!